Become a Mentee 

CSweetener provides mentorship to women and non-binary healthcare professionals. Every eligible mentee applicant is accepted—whether they apply individually or are funded via their employer—and has access to experienced leaders from virtually every sector of healthcare and medicine.

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  • A total of 12 credits for a one year scholarship.

  • 1 credit = one, 30-minute mentoring session.

  • Mentees are required to use 1 credit per month, but may use more on any given month. If they choose to use their 12 credits before the year is up or wish to stay in the program longer than one year, they may re-apply for an additional scholarship.

  • All meetings are scheduled via CSweetener’s platform and may take place in the platform, phone or video call.




Mentee applicants identify as women and are vetted based on professional experience, current position and availability


Women and non-binary individuals in a mid-senior level role (ideally three levels from the top of their organization) and aspiring to the c-suite OR new to a c-level role


Flexible about participating in a one-to-one relationship or working with multiple mentors during their CSweetener tenure


Available to book one 30-minute mentoring session per month, for a year


Willing to prepare for mentoring sessions and take recommended steps between meetings


Amenable to providing feedback on their mentorship experience


Interested in contributing to, and benefiting from, the CSweetener community



Ready to Take the Next Step?

Become a Mentee Now!

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